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The purpose of this service is to support parents in supporting the emotional wellbeing of their children during this time. Things you may wish to discuss about your child could include:

  • their general emotional wellbeing at this time
  • how they are coping with social distancing and lack of contact with family and friends
  • family concerns
  • concerns around school work/returning to school
  • feelings of anxiety

You will speak to a School Based Counsellor who will be able to guide you in supporting the emotional wellbeing of your child.

You will be offered an initial telephone consultation of 30 minutes, dependent upon you and your child’s needs, and a potential follow-up of another 30 minute telephone consultation at a later date.

These will be Monday to Friday within standard working hours. If you would like to access the service, please complete the following form:



5.5. Your child/children's Gender Required
8.8. Reason for wanting a consultation (tick up to 3 as appropriate) Required

Please select between 1 and 3 answers.

10.10. Are there any current or pending police investigations or court proceedings that relate to the child? Required

Police Investigation

Court proceedings

11.11. Any other services/professionals involved in child’s welfare (select as appropriate)
12.12. Does the young person have special educational needs (SEN) or a disability?

Dates need to be in the format 'DD/MM/YYYY', for example 27/03/1980.


This part of the survey uses a table of questions, 

13.13. Consider your observations of the child over the last two weeks and respond to the following statements below Required
Strongly Agree [3]Mostly Agree [2]Mostly Disagree [1]Strongly Disagree [0]Don't know [0]
The child appears often unhappy or regularly cries
The child appears withdrawn
The child gets angry or lashes out at people
The child seems anxious or panicky
The child is often tired or struggles to sleep
The child displays dangerous behaviour putting themselves or others at risk of harm
The child has difficulty with friendships
The child talks negatively about themselves
Overall the child’s difficulties have an impact on their school life
Overall the child’s difficulties have a negative impact on their home life