University of South Wales CAS Assessment

Welcome to the University of South Wales CAS assessment form.  The following questionnaire will allow the Immigration & International Student Advice (IISA) staff to accurately assess your immigration situation and advise you accordingly.

Once completed we will know whether or not you can apply from within the UK, or whether you need to return home. In addition, IISA will have all of the information that they need to complete your application for your next visa.

We have included information in the form that you may find useful, as well as links to websites that will assist you in your preparations to apply for your next visa.

The CAS assessment should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please ensure that your answers are as complete and accurate as possible to avoid any potential future complications. The form may advise you that you need to complete your next visa application from home. If this happens and you believe that you have exceptional circumstances as to why you think you should be able to apply from the UK, please do not worry as a member of IISA will assess your application and identify this if applicable.